Incantation Korean Horror

 Incantation 2022

In essence, Incantation is a Taiwanese discovered footage horror movie similar to Ju-on: The Grudge, Ringu, and found footage movies like Noroi and The Wailing. The execution, rather than the plot, is what sets this found footage horror movie apart from others. A typical found footage horror film will begin slowly (and even be a little boring) before going completely bonkers. But you have to watch it to realize how this one differs.

Since it's best to see this movie without any prior knowledge, I won't talk too much about it. One of my most eagerly awaited releases of 2022 didn't let me down. Following the triumph of The Sadness, Taiwan has succeeded once more.

"Incantation," which is currently available on Netflix, was one of the most well-liked Taiwanese films of 2022; yet, this horror film might not veer too far from well-worn formulas.

Taiwanese horror movie Incantation is available on Netflix. As part of a ghost hunting expedition, Ruo-nan (Hsuan-yen Tsai) and two of her companions visited a sacred location six years ago. Since then, Ruo-nan has witnessed misfortune befall everyone close to her. But Rou-nan is now ready to let the past go and be reconciled with her estranged daughter Dodo after putting in a lot of effort and receiving professional counseling from doctors. Ruo-nan, though, is still plagued by something, and it appears to have her daughter in its sights.

A young mother named Ruo-nan and her daughter Duo-duo are the subjects of incantation. Duo-duo exhibits several symptoms of possession, including a tendency to act strangely and the occasional appearance of hearing voices. As it turns out, Ruo-nan and her daughter's problems started as a result of Ruo-nan and her boyfriend documenting a religious rite performed by her boyfriend's family in a YouTube video they made a few years before. Ruo-partner nan's passed away as a result of the family being cursed for breaking the religious ceremony's taboos. Ruo-nan, who was pregnant, and her child lived, but they were still cursed. 

Incantation scenes that are intended to evoke fear frequently take place from the first-person viewpoint, occasionally switching to a character's point of view or utilizing what is presented as video camera footage. These are some of the most potent scenes. The movie relies too heavily on gore, though, to create shock value. Although its imagery could be frightful, especially in a theater, the result can be schlocky. The movie's horror components also borrow from the common themes used in modern horror films, such as children who have magical powers.

The complicated bond between Ruonan and her daughter is expected to serve as the emotional center of the movie as far as the plot is concerned. The image of Ruo -nan is that of a 
disturbed, occasionally dangerous mother. Ruo-nan is perceived by others as an abusive 
father as a result of the consequences of the curse. Although the movie could have gone into more detail about this to develop her character, it ultimately serves solely as a plot device that uncomfortably advances the story.

In terms of the plot, it is anticipated that the complex relationship between Ruo-nan and her daughter would act as the emotional focal point of the film. Ruo-nan is portrayed as a troubled, occasionally dangerous mother. Because of the effects of the curse, Ruo-nan is viewed by others as an abusive father. Although the film could have gone into greater detail about this to flesh out her character, it ultimately only acts as an uncomfortable plot device that moves the plot forward. 

Undeveloped characters include Ruo-boyfriend nan's and his family. As a result, before they are involved in a series of supernatural events beyond their control, the audience is given few reasons to emotionally connect with any of them. It's unclear why the pair is so determined to go against religious custom in order to gain renown for their YouTube channel.

In recent years, Taiwanese horror movies have attempted to play up elements taken from traditional Taiwanese religion or modern urban folklore. This is especially true now that the Tag-Along franchise, which draws from both sources, has become so successful.

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